MyGen Resources, LLC

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Helping You Navigate Life

Frequently asked questions

 If you did not find your answer, please call or email us
  1. How do you prepare my taxes virtually?


    1. Upload your key tax documents via a secure portal 2. MyGen will contact you by email, text or phone or schedule an online meeting depending on your circumstances 3. MyGen will then send you a draft return for your review 4. Pay your tax return preparation fee in our online-store 5. MyGen transmits your return electronically to the IRS and applicable State Tax office (depending on the state, MyGen may send via USPS certified return receipt).
  2. What is a Tax Concierage?


    We come to you. MyGen understands how busy you are and schedules visits to your place of employment, residence or social/spiritual location. How nice would it be to drop off your tax documents during your coffee break, lunch, or workout. Any follow up could be handled by text, email, virtually or in person based on your schedule.
  3. How do I access the Secure File Portal?


    Click on the below icon and it will take you to the secure portal
  4. Add your question here?


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  6. Add your question here?


    Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand… you are writing this for lots of different types of people to read and you want to appeal to them all.
  7. Add your question here?


    Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand… you are writing this for lots of different types of people to read and you want to appeal to them all.
  8. Add your question here?


    Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand… you are writing this for lots of different types of people to read and you want to appeal to them all.

Ask Your Questions

Secure File Portal

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